Digital transformation and its impact on the development and sustainability of tourism services: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of travel and tourism companies in Baghdad - near Karkh


  • L. Dr. Nisreen Ghali Qassem



digital transformation, tourism services, , travel and tourism companies


The study aims to identify the impact of digital transformation on the development and sustainability of tourism services. The study was applied in a random sample of travel and tourism companies in Baghdad, as 66 questionnaires were distributed to managers of travel and tourism companies from various holders of academic degrees and for both sexes, and the results of the questionnaire were entered into the statistical programs SPSS v24 And Amos v24 to draw conclusions, the study imposed two hypotheses, the first is that there is a statistically significant correlation between digital transformation and the sustainability of the development of tourism services, and the second is that there is a statistically significant effect of digital transformation in achieving the development of tourism services. The study concluded that there is no statistically significant relationship between (transformation digital) and (sustainability of developing tourism services), which means that most tourism companies do not use digital transformation in developing their tourism services despite the agreement of most of the respondents on the importance of the paragraphs of digital transformation and the development and sustainability of tourism services. There is also no significant effect of digital transformation. In the development of tourism services provided by them, according to the answers of the research sample from the managers of tourism companies, and the study recommended that companies should work to develop an integrated strategy based on scientific foundations to implement digital transformation in their service programs and be interested in developing websites to raise their ability to attract tourists and interest in providing digital technological infrastructure As well as paying more attention to the completion of reservation and payment transactions, which help in facilitating the provision of services to tourists.


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ثانيا : المصادر الاجنبية

oana juliaiiu، the digital economy، ovidius university، economic sciences series، volume 19، lssue 1، 2019.

